Sharing with you all Top NLP Projects for Students.
Natural language processing (NLP) refers to the part of computer science, the branch of artificial intelligence(AI) as it concerned with allowing system the ability to understand text and spoken words in much the same way human beings can.
NLP Project 1 - Resume Screening
NLP Project 2 - Text Summarization
NLP Project 3 - Hate Speech Detection
NLP Project 4 - Keyword Research
NLP Project 5 - WhatsApp Group Chat Analysis
NLP Project 6 - Next Word prediction Model
NLP Project 7 - Fake News Detection Model
NLP Project 8 - NLP for WhatsApp chats
NLP Project 9 - Twitter Sentiment Analysis
NLP Project 10 - SMS spam detection
NLP Project 11 - Movies Review Sentiments
NLP Project 12 - Named Entity Recognition
NLP Project 13 - Amazon Sentiment Analysis
NLP Project 14 - Sentiment Analysis
NLP Project 15 - Keyword Extraction
NLP Project 16 - Correct Spelling In Documents.
NLP Project 17 - Autocorrect Model
NLP Project 18 - Predict US election
NLP Project 19 - NLP for other languages
NLP Project 20 - Text classification
NLP Project 21 - Sentiment Analysis - Dow Jones (DJIA) Stock using News Headlines
NLP Project 22 - Sentiment Analysis - Restaurant Reviews NLP Project 23 - Spam SMS Classification
NLP Project 24 - Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump Tweets
NLP Project 25 - Twitter US Airline Sentiment Analysis.
NLP Project 26 - IMDB Sentiment Analysis using Deep Learning
NLP Project 27 - Amazon Alexa Review Sentiment Analysis
NLP Project 28 - Build Sentiment Analysis Flask Web App
NLP Project 29 - Dow Jones Stock using News Headlines
NLP Project 30 - Sentiment Analysis - Restaurant Reviews
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